108 Hillside Road (925)757-1969

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Jr./Sr. Retreat

13 March 2020 4:00 pm - 15 March 2020 4:00 pm

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Engle Home (Karen & Ezra) @ 2224 Chickie St, Antioch, CA 94509, USA

Jr./Sr. Retreat
Wired Youth Group will be taking High School Juniors and Seniors on a retreat to dig deeper into their personal relationship with God. Students will attend sessions that address their thoughts, strengths, weaknesses, and what life looks like serving Christ as they enter adulthood. 

The retreat costs $135. If you’d like to sponsor the retreat in any way, or a specific student, please write “Jr/Sr RETREAT” on a giving envelope or text Karyn (925) 207-5082 or Cyndi (408) 318-7506 for more info.

Return time is approximate: Teens will contact their parents with ETA updates.